Animal Health

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COBALIFE VB12 is a vitamin B12 injection for the treatment and control of vitamin B12 deficiency in sheep and cattle. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin required for metabolic functions, including fat and carbohydrate metabolism and protein synthesis. It is also vital for glucose production in ruminants, which is essential to meet the high energy demands of growth and lactation.

Price $74.30

COBALIFE VB12 + selenium

COBALIFE VB12 Plus Selenium is a vitamin B12 and selenium injectable supplement for sheep and cattle. Selenium is a trace element necessary for normal metabolism; it is an essential antioxidant, helps support muscle and immune function, and the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Vitamin B12 supports glucose production and protein synthesis to meet the production demands of growth and lactation.

Price $89.10

Dectomax Cattle Pour On 5l

Dectomax Pour-On is a class above the rest by delivering superior performance for your cattle. The reliable all-rounder has been used across Australia for many years to control both internal and external parasites. It’s also convenient and easy to administer, indicated for all ages and classes of stock

Price $470.80

Eprinomax Cattle Drench 2.5...

iO Eprinomax Pour-on For Beef And Dairy Cattle is for the treatment and control of internal and external parasites of beef and dairy cattle and internal parasites of deer. Active Constituent: 5 mg/ml Eprinomectin Controls & Prevents: For the treatment and control of gastrointestinal roundworms (including inhibited immature Ostertagia ostertagi) and lungworm in cattle. For sucking and biting lice, sarcoptic and chorioptic mange mites, and buffalo fly in beef and dairy cattle. iO EPRINOMAX Pour-On aids in control of cattle tick (Rhipicephalus microplus). For the treatment and control of gastrointestinal roundworms and lungworm in deer.

Price $272.00

Marking Rings

The easiest and most common method of marking is to apply a rubber ring (or band) to the tail using an applicator. Banding is a bloodless method of tail docking and castration. The band cuts off the blood supply and tail/testis fall off in 7 to 10 days.

Price $19.25

Moxistar Cattle Pour On 500ml

Moxistar Cattle Pour-On for cattle and red deer contains the proven and highly effective active ingredient moxidectin. The dung beetle friendly formulation requires just one easy pour-on application to control all major internal and external parasites. And no other pour-on provides longer acting control of more parasites of cattle.

Price $107.25
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